Date rape porn gay

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This video does not substitute for actual government public-health sponsored material, or, more specifically, “harm reduction” information. While I admire Michael Henry’s work as a comedian, actor, and writer, we have to take videos that are primarily for comedic entertainment and separate that from a serious medical and mental health discussion of drugs. It’s a mixed situation there can be a lot of fun with this, and a lot of serious risks.

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I am a licensed psychotherapist in Los Angeles with over 28 years of experience working almost exclusively with gay male individuals and couples, and a speaker on gay men’s issues (and mental health), and have presented numerous seminars on the issue of drugs used recreationally, which is something that goes beyond gay men, and into all peoples, cultures, and time periods in history.

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If you enjoyed this video, you might also like a more serious approach to discussing the topic of gay men and recreational drugs from my blog article from 2016, here:

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