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Special thanks to Shane N, hkliem, remolquedor, FunEnough, pblake, Nightwing71, PJack, carlianz22, gorio, fullyime69, Barnz, jonhgz, jingangzuan, Sekjr, billyshane, redd, a_winslow200, kamiguy, salcedo, carlianz22, topgu圜DO, Elden, Ben, Treeef, Ray, Paul D., Richard, Rod, Ryan, Kjell, Oscar, Michael, Kenneth, Kent, Walt, Michael G., Jovem, J.D., Wetzki, Mark, Ken, Markos, Jeff, Edward and Phillip!ĭespite its reputation as a fairly liberal haven for gays and lesbians, the Philippines has failed to guarantee legal protections of LGBTs in accordance with United Nations human rights conventions. Help us keep these listings current and correct.

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